Environmental, Social and Governance

We’re committed to making our business as green as possible, guided by our ESG. Our services are designed with sustainability in mind. Find out more.

Committed to Creating a Sustainable Footprint

We’ve done everything we can to ensure that our business is as green as possible, and we’re committed to holding our place among the most environment-friendly industrial launderers. We take our commitment to the environment seriously and have invested heavily in reducing water, gas and electricity usage across all our plants.

SPL is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility in terms of their economic, social, and environmental impacts. In 2006, the company embarked on a project to support the implementation of a suite of sustainable technologies, which Sustainability Victoria believes resulted in our Melbourne laundry being the most resources smart laundry in the industry. All SPL plants are designed with environmental sustainability in mind whilst achieving the smallest carbon footprint possible.

SPL have set a new benchmark for other large industrial laundries as well as many other industries that use large amounts of processed hot water and/or discharge the water to sewers, such as hospitals, large hotels, small food processing plants and the food-manufacturing sector. Other notable improvements we have made include updated CSR rating, KEMCO, gas usage reduction, energy audit, hybrid vehicles, and special partnerships. Enquire now to get to know more.

Modern slavery statement

We recognise the vulnerability of many of our employees who have English as a second language and are often first generation citizens of our country. The assessment of modern slavery as a risk within our Australian operation and local procurement is low. However, our focus remains high on our use of labour hire and our international linen supply chain. International linen suppliers are of particular focus given the countries where these items are generally manufactured are recognised as being of potentially high risk. Our commitment to linen sourcing is to use only suppliers known to have in place strong governance systems for ensuring modern slavery compliance and to review the effectiveness of these systems. 

Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy (PDF)

REFLECT: reconciliation action plan

The people of our business, acknowledge the First Nations people of the lands on which we work and live. We recognise their important connection to these lands and respect their traditions and history. We are proud that our business is headquartered on the land of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin nation. As an organisation with a significantly diverse and constantly changing workforce, we are conscious of our social responsibilities as a gateway employer to everyone we employ including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are embarking on this Reflective RAP to explore, identify and develop relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and understand our sphere of influence in aiding future prosperity.

Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Compliance

SPL’s vision embraces diversity in our work community. Not only do our many different cultures make us more creative, flexible, 
productive and competitive but the women of our workforce contribute significantly to our success as business. It is important for us to recognise the significant contribution women make in our business, with five of our ten sites around the country run by women, and 49.5% of our entire workforce being women.  

WGEA Compliance Letter 2023-24


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